Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ah well, its been on my conscience for a week now, but then it's not like many people are going to read this or anything. And sadly but truly, life has been insanely dull over the last couple weeks, the most extraordinary thing being how a classmate finished a 3 hour paper in 10 mins. (Everybody else was out within an hour, so it's not THAT big a deal I guess.)
But this was (only?) a week back, although it seems nowhere like it. AOM matches were played(or rather organized as we finished very few, the highlight was this 12 player mega-match where everything lagged like hell and everybody had enough time to IM in the background), people helped each other pack and goodbyes were said all around. Most of us had trains to catch early in the morning and this most of us successfully managed.
The food was awful as usual, and all we did was sleep. Matter of fact, I slept almost all the way and have no real inkling to what the others did, for all I care they slept all the way too.(Sleep well, and the world sleeps with you eh?) But there was this general amicability among us, and this was noteworthy, considering no less than three people had come up to me and said how they couldn't stand at least one person of the group we were travelling as a part of. Interesting effect trains have on people. It is in a sense obvious, considering you can only have so many differences with a person if you're stuck with them in an enclosed space for an extended duration. Who knew the solution to all our problems, all enmities between people could be as simple as train rides huh? (This could be applied to world peace, couldn't it now?) But I digress, and as I won't take any names here, it's a point hardly worth making.
So we got home, and the initial overwhelming excitement (good food being the primary catalyst here) declined slowly into a steady sense of contentedness.
But as it stands, I have no new games to play, the ones I have await a long due system upgrade, I watch a movie a day which provides very little in the way of mental exercise, and there was the Champions league final, yes, but watching a one sided match from a neutral perspective can only be so exhilarating.
In short, I'm bored, bored as hell, and no amount of watching TV or attempting to play games I've already finished are any help. I've finished books by the dozen, been on strolls, even tried my hand at cooking but nothing seems to help. Not even the PS , where all we've managed is a week off to get bored in.
All I have is 11 June, and this I eagerly look forward to.

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