Wednesday, May 26, 2010


(def. Drained out of energy, Lethargic. Nothing to do with lists though.)

If a trustworthy institution (let's face it, basically non-Indian) were to conduct a survey of things that people lose most often, lists would feature in the top few. But have you ever wondered why lists possess this uncanny ability to get lost when you need them the most? It can’t be a coincidence, not every time, not with everybody. And the impression you get is as if these infernal objects have a mind of their own. A scheming, devilish mind, whose only idea of pleasure is the utter bewilderment of its maker.

I remember this one time, a day before I was leaving for Delhi, I made a list of certain essentials to take back home, you know, just a few knick knacks that tend to get forgotten amidst all the chaos of last minute packing. And there this list was, all the last week, peeking at me out of the bottom drawer like an innocent babe. To make a long story short, when I (finally) set out of campus, I was wondering whether I’d ever made such a list. The simple reason being, I couldn’t find it. And take it from me; I went through my room with a toothcomb. At the very least, it was a sight to behold. Debris scattered everywhere, all the hours I’d put into neatly packing my clothes laid to waste, in fact, if the dramatics people had wanted a post-apocalyptic setting there and then, they’d have been more than happy to use my room as such. But all this apparently wasn’t reason enough for a puny list to turn up, and if it didn’t want to be found, it just couldn’t be, could it?

When I got back after a couple months, I opened my drawer to shove my headphones in, and I swear to god and may his hand smite me this very instant if the following be a lie, it was there, staring me in the eye, in all its hellish glory. Lists are a device of the devil, and if you take my advice, you’ll stay away from them and stick to whatever it is that your religion preaches.


I've finally realised the joy of being able to write anything on the face of the earth. Random banter forever \m/

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ah well, its been on my conscience for a week now, but then it's not like many people are going to read this or anything. And sadly but truly, life has been insanely dull over the last couple weeks, the most extraordinary thing being how a classmate finished a 3 hour paper in 10 mins. (Everybody else was out within an hour, so it's not THAT big a deal I guess.)
But this was (only?) a week back, although it seems nowhere like it. AOM matches were played(or rather organized as we finished very few, the highlight was this 12 player mega-match where everything lagged like hell and everybody had enough time to IM in the background), people helped each other pack and goodbyes were said all around. Most of us had trains to catch early in the morning and this most of us successfully managed.
The food was awful as usual, and all we did was sleep. Matter of fact, I slept almost all the way and have no real inkling to what the others did, for all I care they slept all the way too.(Sleep well, and the world sleeps with you eh?) But there was this general amicability among us, and this was noteworthy, considering no less than three people had come up to me and said how they couldn't stand at least one person of the group we were travelling as a part of. Interesting effect trains have on people. It is in a sense obvious, considering you can only have so many differences with a person if you're stuck with them in an enclosed space for an extended duration. Who knew the solution to all our problems, all enmities between people could be as simple as train rides huh? (This could be applied to world peace, couldn't it now?) But I digress, and as I won't take any names here, it's a point hardly worth making.
So we got home, and the initial overwhelming excitement (good food being the primary catalyst here) declined slowly into a steady sense of contentedness.
But as it stands, I have no new games to play, the ones I have await a long due system upgrade, I watch a movie a day which provides very little in the way of mental exercise, and there was the Champions league final, yes, but watching a one sided match from a neutral perspective can only be so exhilarating.
In short, I'm bored, bored as hell, and no amount of watching TV or attempting to play games I've already finished are any help. I've finished books by the dozen, been on strolls, even tried my hand at cooking but nothing seems to help. Not even the PS , where all we've managed is a week off to get bored in.
All I have is 11 June, and this I eagerly look forward to.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome Back, Me!

Ah, has it been a long, long time or what? Even as far as blogging goes, the respite that readers and (god have mercy upon them) followers get between two posts is generally quite a few rungs below a period of two years!
Things change over two years, even gradual changes are pretty much visible. For instance, I'm pretty much done with being a teenager (not that I had much of a choice in the first place..) and it feels sad. The years of being a rebellious teenager will stay etched in my memory (and perhaps the memories of all people for whom I made life hell) forever. It's just a couple of months now, and the general feeling among most of my friends is one of general glumness, yeah. (But that's possibly due to their own teenage coming to an end, not mine...)
But then again, this blog when it was initiated, was not one where glumness had its say! And that is something I shall stand by, for as long as I live.(And that might be quite a lot since yours truly is still as sober as ever!) . How about a look at things that haven't changed?

1) First and foremost, in thick and thin, sobriety has been an ally every instance the last two years. True, there have been a few sleep-deprivation induced incidents of exceeding eccentricity, but I still remain a teetotaller. Not a fact I am particularly proud of or anything, it's just something that is, and something that ensures that I can look myself in the eye before writing on

2) I remain a fan of certain franchises, no longer few in number though. I promised a friend I wouldn't make a single reference and this I stand by (at least for now). :(

3) Though (hopefully) posts != rants any more, the mind on the other hand maintains a certain demented character.

4) My schizophrenic self, who's currently sound asleep is still my best companion.

5) I still suck at mugging up things, eating healthy, most sports, Counter-Strike, and non Computer Science subjects.

6) The list would be endless; the use of four limbs, most other vital organs (I'm guessing), a perennial longing for good food, new games and books, a love for football, etc.

The introspection was a good exercise, perhaps I should do this more often, perhaps I will. A lot of friends update blogs regularly and if not anything else, maybe what we call 'peer pressure' will provide me with whatever motivation may be necessary.
But as of now, I revel in it. The second coming.

P.S. 'Let there be Light' - The Hindustan Times.

P.P.S To A- No references to pop culture! Bazinga!