Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My blog needs a reboot(and I'm starting something new)

And not just because everything else is getting one. Not because for example, Stephen King's Carrie got a reboot(wasn't very good) or because Community's first episode this season is titled 'Repilot' or because they're redoing Batman all over again. It needs one because well I've just outgrown a lot of stuff. Besides societyofsoberstudents isn't really a thing anymore :) 
A little like the email account created years ago. It's juvenile and embarrassing, but you just can't get rid of it. Too many people have it/use it and somewhere or the other it helps tie you in with the past, your past. You don't really want to get rid of it, because if you did you would. So well, I guess a do-over, while very much needed of course, isn't really happening anytime soon.

What is happening though is that I'm going to try my hand at something new. Making games, as a matter of fact. I've been doing a spot of reading on the hows and whys and I'd like to think that I have enough to at least give it a shot. I'm not going all in, that would be markedly stupid, but I am going to spend a month trying my hand out. And whatever happens, happens.
It's a little shameful that I've waited this long though. I've always wanted to do it, it's just that somehow or the other it's just never been a priority. An ingrained fear of failure is a probable cause of course, but I really really should have at least tried. I'm not getting any younger and I really could kick myself for not starting sooner. We'll see how it goes won't we? Wish me luck. I'll keep updating this space once every two-three days to report progress starting today(not like anybody's noticing but whatever :P)   

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