Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Nolan's messed up my mind..."

Let's get this straight. Inception wasn't a bad watch, not in the very least. Thing is, I do have some issues with a Nolan film, just as a rule, if you will. He's a good film maker, he works with good actors in Bale and Michael Caine and his films are different from what Hollywood feeds us generally. But my musings have very little, if anything at all, to do with his films. What I find far more interesting, is to observe how people respond to a Nolan flick. Do note however, that these categories would apply to people watching any kind of movie, just the fact that they're so very prominent after a Nolan movie. Here's a few I've managed to come across,

  • The desi. He's never heard of Chris Nolan, (he's probably seen The Dark Knight, dubbed or no really doesn't matter) and he'd rather watch Sonam Kapoor in a salwar kameez than Inception. He also has a 'thing' for Angelina Jolie, though all he restricts himself is to watching Youtube(Read Metacafe) videos, and abstains faithfully from a full length English movie.
  • The hypocrite. He hasn't understood anything in a Nolan film ever barring the ending credits, but the first thing he does when he gets back home is post on facebook how awesome the whole thing was, and gives it a 5 star rating. Actively participates in discussions though, restricting his shitty self to commenting on how sexy he thought the female lead was. Just for the record, says he supported Spain at FIFA '10.
  • The genius. His only regret in life? Not being christened Christopher Nolan. Actively points out how the film could have been made better, and complains about flaws, existent and non-existent. Not taken seriously in friend circles generally due to a plethora of past offenses which include saying how Al Pacino didn't do well enough to win the Oscar for Godfather II.
  • The Harry Potter fan. (Contrary to popular belief I have as a matter of fact, managed to find such a person.) Compares The Prestige to Harry Potter 4 and says Inception was far better than Harry Potter 5. What he lacks is a pack of friends to beat the sense into him I think.
  • The Twilight fan. Similar to the Harry Potter fan, except he's gay.
  • The Harry Potter AND Twilight fan. If you know such a person, please shoot him(note : it's okay if it's a her..) in the head and put him out of his misery.
  • The idiot. Is pretty candid about how he didn't get a single thing, and acquiesces to the fact sheepishly, batting his eyelids at the same time. Generally a she btw.
  • The glutton. Might look a bit odd, but I assure you, I have a friend who goes with us to the theatres just for the popcorn and momos. Nobody knows what he thinks about the films he watches while gorging on Food. On being asked how he thought Inception was, all he says among mouthfuls of junk crap is, 'Acchi Thi'.
  • The Attention hog. He swings into action the moment the end credits start rolling. He messages all his friends and updates social networking sites from his phone. Frames a tweet/ fb update on his way back home on how he's had a top that doesn't stop spinning all along. Only this time he calls it a totem.
  • The facebook addict. Differs from the attention hog in the fact that he's taken quizzes on facebook which tell him what totem'd suit him the best, and how much time he'd be able to free himself in when chained and locked in a box and kept underwater.
  • The critic. Might end up showing some traits of 'The genius' if he's not too careful. The only person in the lot who's seen 'The Following'.
To people who think the title'd make an excellent FB update and people do give a damn about what you think, a word of advice - Nolan flicks are flicks like every other, and to say that 'They've messed up your mind... ooooh' etc. suggest nothing but perhaps the fact that it's time you pay your family psychiatrist a visit.
If you don't get Inception on the other hand, fret not, watch something else like Salt instead. If that sounds daunting too, I dunno, but isn't there an Akshay Kumar flick lined up too?


  1. excellently written, though i have one more category in mind..

  2. One more...
    Him(Or They). Actually a blend of two or more categories. Maven,(as a simple noun, no sarcasm )is what he is, with a specialization in everything. His aristocratic words, elsewhere called lame, are easy to understand but impossible to comprehend. Blasphemy.This is how you recognize him(read them).
    The problem with common sense is that most people are morons.
    Apologies, for I sound little be it.
    P.S : I'll always cherish that little misconception I had of you(or him, or her, may be.)

  3. very well written......but i disagree wid ur last para.....nolan's films are should appreciate his talent as i guess a lot of of hardwork wud hav gone in his one is saying it is d best....but it is worth appreciation.

  4. "Brelleant, brelleant..."
    - Sonday Tooday
    "Eenception was saucy weeth zust a taste of saucepance..."
    - tHE wASHINGTON spaghetti

    "nice article"
    - oh, wait. That's me. I don't know much movies to seriously comment on them, or participate in most relevant discussions (hark, methinks me see new category...) but thine exposition on this movie (any movie, actually, a generalisation is quite in order) is something I liked reading.
    The good work, keep up, you must.
    (Correct my grammar for me, will you?)

    - The Potato.

  5. @ Everyone Glad you enjoyed it.
    @ Aficionado Suit yourself. Just an opinion.
