Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello World.

Today's the day Slumdog won a few Razzies.
I have a bad feeling about this.Whatever...

There are times when you are doing something and you stop.
And think about why the @%$# are you doing something so ridiculous.Doing something you never thought you'd do.I'm sure it happens to you pretty often.Or maybe it doesn't.Either way it changes nothing.It's what happens to me that matters.While I am doing this..this thing,I'm thinking about why I'm doing this.I mean look at it like this.It's 4:15 in the morning,I haven't slept for a day,have a mid-sem exam in a couple of days,tons of project work to do,loads of stuff to prepare for and here I am doing...not very much.
But maybe the fact that my phone's not working is why I am here.Or maybe because I had a pizza for dinner.Maybe even because a friend asked me to.I don't know the reason.I'm pretty sure you don't too.So let's not waste time on this.
Given the chance to talk about myself I could fill pages and pages and pages of those yellow sticky notes you get so I'll try and restrain myself.Let's get this done quick or I'll fall asleep on my laptop which currently reminds me of the time man went to the moon (or was it the sun ?).Why you ask.Let me tell you then that the surface temperature of the moon is about 5000 degrees centigrade.The temperature of the core is far higher.(Or wait,was it the sun again ?)
Anyway here goes,

I am --- Sagnik(not to be confused with Bond,as in James Bond)
---male(not a girl that is and definitely not the English Footballer George Male)
---a Ist year student of B.E in Computer Science in BITS Pilani,Hyderabad.(....)
---17 years old(not 42 as in H2G2)
---a Juventus fan

Divide 1 by a googolplex.Or maybe even a googolmultiplex.That part of myself is probably what you know by now.Congratulations.
Add to it the fact that you know I'm a voracious reader and am passionate about quizzing and programming,you know quite a bit about me.Never knew you had it in you.Commendable.

P.S.Take my advice.Do not begin a blog at 4 A.M. in the morning.Wreaks havoc on your health.Everybody else's too.More about sober students later.

"Let there be light" -- The Hindustan Times.

P.P.S One of my friends has a blog.He ends all posts with 42.I think I'll do the same.

P.P.P.S 42

P.P.P.P.S May the force be with you.